Defining your offer to members: a structuring process with numerous opportunities

Définir son offre aux membres, un processus structurant, aux multiples opportunités.
Nonprofit organizations (NPOs) play a crucial role in developing the social and economic fabric of our community by championing important causes, providing services, and building communities. To succeed in their mission, membership-based NPOs must rely on the engagement of their members. To attract, satisfy, and retain members, the value proposition and benefits offered by the organization must be clear and appealing.

How to develop a value proposition aligned with members' needs?

One of the most effective strategies for achieving this is to anchor your approach by identifying the actual needs of your members. This article explores the essential aspects you need to define and outlines a method to help you effectively develop these benefits.

Consult your Members
The process of defining your members’ needs starts by consulting them. These consultations are rich in insights and help to understand the different profiles of existing and potential members, as well as their requirements and expectations regarding your organization. These insights will serve as a compass to guide and prioritize your development actions.

These consultations can take various forms: surveys, focus groups, or simple direct conversations with representatives from each of your member categories. Don’t forget to include your board of directors in the process.

During these consultations, you will seek to understand what interests or motivates your members: networking opportunities, training, conferences, exclusive benefits, or access to a platform to influence changes in your specific sector? A deep understanding of these elements is the first step toward creating a value proposition that is truly aligned with your members' needs.

Develop a Unique Value Proposition
Once you have identified your members' needs, it will be time to turn those needs into concrete benefits. For example, if members are primarily interested in networking, the organization could review or adapt its process for creating exclusive events, arrange meetings with industry leaders, or offer specialized workshops. If members want to leverage collective strength to access exclusive partner offers, such as discounts, you will be able to create a plan to guide the development of new partnerships. If specialized information sharing is a priority for your members, you could plan to optimize the connected section of your website to address this need, and so on.

To strengthen your members' sense of belonging to the organization, each benefit offered must be clearly linked to the value it provides to the member and have a distinctive character that is difficult to find outside your organization.

Effectively Communicating Member Benefits
Communicating your benefits is just as important as creating them. Current and potential members need to be regularly informed about the advantages they receive by partnering with you.

This begins with a clearly articulated value proposition on your website. Then, this communication can be carried out through your newsletters, social media, or during events your nonprofit participates in. Remember that clear, engaging, and professional communication enhances the perceived value of membership and helps retain members over the long term.

Adapt and Update your Member Benefits 
Members' needs and expectations evolve, so it is essential to remain attentive, flexible, and responsive. Make it a habit to reassess the benefits you offer annually and adjust them based on member feedback and changes in the external environment. This may involve adding new benefits, modifying existing ones, or even removing those that are no longer relevant.

Measuring Impact and EffectivenessTo ensure that the benefits offered are genuinely useful and appreciated, it is recommended to implement mechanisms to measure their impact on attracting and retaining your members. To achieve this, develop direct communication channels with your members and conduct satisfaction surveys after events or training sessions. The data from these periodic consultations not only helps verify if the benefits remain aligned with members' needs but also informs your future decisions regarding member offerings.


Offering clearly defined benefits that align with your members' expectations is crucial for ensuring engagement and growth within your membership base. By structuring your approach and incorporating periodic consultations into your operations, you can stay aligned with the needs of your community, communicate more effectively, and maintain a compelling and relevant member offering. The efforts invested in creating this vision will quickly pay off, serving as a development compass and fostering a virtuous cycle of growth based on belonging and satisfaction.


Jean-François Dommerc

President - associé


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